Clubhouse at TUKKIES

1991 - And so it begins...

The Alfa Romeo Club of Pretoria was first established in the early seventies but unfortunately did not last very long and the die-hards joined the Johannesburg Club. In September 1991 a couple of Pretoria Alfisti decided to give it a go again and as they say, the rest is history.

An ad-hoc committee chaired by Phillip Gairns started the ball rolling and the first full time committee was elected in 1992 and consisted of the following members:

  • Michael Rabie - Chairman
  • Doug Birch - Vice-chairman
  • Anette Rabie - Secretary
  • Sieg Buckley - Competition Secretary
  • Chris Swanepoel - Treasurer
  • Ettiene Du Plessis - PRO

Meetings were held in the restaurant at LC De Villiers Sport Centre at TUKKIES and membership totaled 30 members and a few of the faces who joined in 1992 are still around today. Chris Swanepoel, Gerhard Stoltz, Francois Vermeulen and Dolf vd Walt. Activities included the usual social and competition events.

Clubhouse at Verde Motors

1993 - The First Newsletter

The venue moved to Verde Motors (Formerly Glenwood Motors) in Wierda Park in October 1992. A room above the showroom was made available and converted into a club house complete with bar facilities. The first newsletter was published during this time and there are copies in the archives. The monthly trophy was also introduced and many a lively meeting was held at this venue.

The committee for 1993 consisted of the following members:

  • Doug - Birch Chairman
  • Rick Repsold - Secretary/Editor
  • Sieg Buckley - Competition Secretary
  • Chris Swanepoel - Treasurer

Doug Birch resigned and Rick Repsold was elected chairman and Gix Repsold as secretary/editor. The first proper newsletter was published although intermittently. The yearly trophy was donated by Eugene Van Heerden and is still awarded annually to the committee member of the year. The points system was introduced to elect a member and committee member of the year.

PMC Clubhouse

1994 - A New Venue

The committee for 1994 consisted of the following members:

  • Rick Repsold - Chairman
  • Linda Parkinson - Secretary
  • Paul Higgens - Editor
  • Dolf vd Walt - Co-Editor
  • Chris Swanepoel - Treasurer
  • Jaco Jacobs - Competition Secretary

This year proved quite eventful for the club. Michael Rabie sold Verde Motors and a new venue had to be found in a hurry! Fortunately the offer from PMC came along and a more permanent base was established. The first meeting at the PMC Clubhouse was held in May 1994. Alfa Romeo was back in SA and membership increased to about 40 members. Regular events were organized and the monthly noggin at the clubhouse became an institution enjoyed by everyone. Looking back at 1994 it is clear that the club was really established during this time. Unfortunately we lost our chairman again as Rick Repsold left for the Cape and Dolf vd Walt acted as chairman. Gerhard Stoltz won the trophy for member of the year.

1995 - The Foundation Is Laid

The committee for 1995 consisted of the following members:

  • Dolf vd Walt - Chairman
  • Linda Parkinson - Secretary
  • Hein Prinsloo - Editor
  • Chris Swanepoel - Treasurer
  • Jaco Jacobs - Events Organiser

The newsletter was published on a monthly basis and the local magazine Auto Italiana was distributed to members. A proper constitution was drawn up and the club affiliated to ARCSA and SAMCA. The first scrap book was also started. The foundation was also laid for yearly events such as Cars in the Park, skidpan and away weekends. A member of the month and "Booby' trophy was introduced. Gerhard Stoltz won the trophy for member of the year.

1996 - The Boosted Membership

The committee for 1996 consisted of the following members:

  • Gerhard Stoltz - Chairman
  • Linda Parkinson - Secretary
  • Chris Swanepoel - Treasurer
  • Piet Bredenkamp - Events Organiser
  • Dolf vd Walt - Editor

Alfa Romeo was officially back in the country through Automakers and the new range of Alfa Romeos became available country-wide through the network of Nissan dealers. This boosted membership close to 50 paid-up members and the first members driving the new models joined the club. Events were organized on a monthly basis and were well attended. It was during this time that the monthly raffle was introduced which has become an institution. Apart from the regular fare, some pretty valuable memorabilia have been offered as prizes. The first weekend run was organized in October 1996 to Graskop and the foundation was laid for future memorable away weekends. Funds were raised via a separate raffle with the result that the club could sponsor part of the costs. A wide variety of events were organized and the year-end function was also instituted. Tienie Hay won the member of the year trophy.

1997 - The First Weekend Run

The committee for 1997 consisted of the following members:

  • Gerhard Stoltz - Chairman
  • Lydia Stoltz - Secretary
  • René Thiart - PRO
  • Chris Swanepoel - Treasurer
  • Johan Alberts - Events Organiser
  • Dolf vd Walt - Editor

For the first time it was decided to co-opt members to the committee to assist with events. Tienie Hay assisted with events and Carl van Blerk assisted with regalia. The first weekend run was to Stokkiesdraai Resort near Naboomspruit and the catering was provided by Johan and Marie Alberts was something to write home about. Definitely another memorable weekend. Other events included a go-kart challenge, gymkhana, treasure hunt organized by MJM and other regular events. The golf-day organized by our PRO was another first and funds were aised for the beach run later in the year.

This was certainly the highlight of 1997, judging by the comments from members who made the trip down to St Lucia. The setting and accommodation could not be better and the mode of transport legendary. This year also saw the paid-up membership top the fifty mark for the first time. The club had by now been clearly accepted as part of the PMC family and a special corner was established in the club house complete with notice board and Allfa Romeo Club of Pretoria banner.. It has also become clear that the poor barperson of PMC has reconciled to the fact that Alfisti will lock up long after he has left on noggin nights because you have to drag them out after midnight and send them on their way. The club also obtained a unique emblem thanks to the efforts of hans swart . This emblem is now incorporated into the membership card , banner, letterheads, newsletter and club regalia such as t-shirts and caps. A quarterly newsletter with colour cover also saw the light of day and aptly christened "Forza Alfisti" and the normal newsletter "Veloce". Martin Truter won the member of the year trophy.

1998 - The First Weekend Away

The committee for 1998 consisted of the following members:

  • Gerhard Stoltz - Chairman
  • Madelene Badenhorst - Secretary
  • Marius van Schalkwyk - PRO
  • Chris Swanepoel - Treasurer
  • Whitey vd Linde - Events Organiser
  • Dolf vd Walt - Editor

Once again members were co-opted to the committee namely Markus Scheepers as assistant to the PRO, Jacobus Vermeulen as assistant to the treasurer to handle regalia. Hans swart as co-editor and Cecile vd Linde as assistant to the events organiser. The events organiser resigned early in the year and Dolf vd Walt stood in and Hans took over as editor. The first weekend away took us to the Free State at the Kroonpark Resort in Kroonstad. This proved to be an excellent venue but the weather put a damper on this one. The second weekend away was in the Drakensberg at Dragons peak and proved to be a winner. The accommodation was acceptable and the stunning setting made this another memorable run. Other runs worth mentioning is the go-kart challenge, treasure hunt, braai with the Jhb-club and for the first time a Spit n Polish. Paid-up members also topped the sixty mark for the first time. René Thiart won the trophy for member of the year.

POMC, PMC and ARCOP Clubhouse in Silverton

1999 - Another Eventful Year

The committee for 1999 consisted of the following members:

  • Hans Swart - Chairman
  • Rebecca Prinsloo - Secretary
  • René Thiart - PRO
  • Jacobus Vermeulen - Treasurer
  • Andre Stander Events - Organiser
  • Dolf vd Walt - Editor

David Boyes took over as events organiser during the year and was assisted by Trudie and Danie Jacobs. This was another eventful year with a number of firsts like a ten-pin bowling competition, hill climb and social regularity rally. The noggins also ran smoothly and punctually (thanks to our chairman) with interesting side shows such as videos, model exhibitions and product information sessions. July saw the hugely enjoyable 166/GTV6 launch and pub night, great turnout at cars in the Park in August and a fun filled Spit n Polish / potjiekos competition. We had two great away weekends again. At Wees Gerus during the first half of the year and a camping weekend at Rustenburg during the second half. Another highlight during 1998 was the launch of the 156 which also won SA car of the year award. The year was not without problems though. It was general knowledge that the PMC venue wasn't going to be available anymore and an alternative venue had to be found. After lots of rumours and alternatives that were bandied about , PMC came to an agreement with POMC to share their clubhouse in Silverton. ARCOP joined the trek at the end of 1999. Francois Vermeulen won the trophy for member of the year.

2000 - Well Attended And Lively

The committee for 2000 consisted of the following members:

  • Gerhard Stoltz - Chairman
  • Rebecca Prinsloo - Secretary
  • Robbie Stutterheim - PRO
  • Jacobus Vermeulen - Treasurer
  • David Boyes - Competition Events
  • Danie and Trudie Jacobs - Social Events
  • Dolf vd Walt - Editor

The dreaded Y2K disaster never materialized and everything carried on as normal. ARCOP settled very nicely in the new clubhouse and the club was actually commended by other clubs on our well attended and lively monthly meetings. It turned out to be another great year as far as events were concerned. We kicked off with a display at Midas Centurion , one of our new sponsors. The first weekend away was to Graskop, needless to say another super event. The next outing was another first , a skidpan and high-speed run at Gerotek especially enjoyed by all the speed freaks. The Spit n Polish has been accepted as an annual event and the trophies sponsored by MJM. Another new event was the Carousel Casino show day and go-kart challenge and the hill climb was held at Gerotek. The event of the year was certainly the weekend at Scottburgh on the South Coast. The venue was excellent as well as the catering and the setting on the beach the cherry on top. The year ended with a great party true to the high standard and smooth organisation that became the benchmark of our event organizers. A trophy for committee member of the year was introduced and won by Robbie Stutterheim. Chris Swanepoel won the trophy for member of the year.

2001 - The Club's 10th Year

The committee for 2001 consisted of the following members:

  • Andre Stander - Chairman
  • Vincent Gieselbach - Membership Affairs
  • Robbie Stutterheim - PRO
  • Johan Stutterheim - Treasurer
  • David Boyes - Competition Events
  • Dolf vd Walt - Editor

The year 2001 dawned as the club's 10th year and proved to be another great year. Things got going as early as January with the first noggin and the Bonamanzi run in February. The first weekend away was to Wees Gerus and turned out to be memorable as in the past. Another first was the run to the Jakaranda Children's Home which included a couple of manne from the Ferrari Club. Cars in the Park and the skidpan day at Gerotek had an excellent turnout and the Carousel show day and go-kart challenge became an annual event. The year ended on a high note at Bundu inn with the AGM and end of the year party combined. The 10th anniversary of the club was also celebrated. A total of 86 people including some of our sponsors and staff from FASA attended. The following members received a commemorative jacket for 10 year membership. Chris Swanepoel, Gerhard Stoltz, Francois Vermeulen and Dolf vd Walt. Robbie Stutterheim won the member of the year trophy and Andre Stander, committee member of the year.


Contact: Corrie de Wilde
Tel: (082) 806-6391
Email: corriedewilde5355@gmail.com

180 Keuning Drive, Meyerspark, Pretoria





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